So I was recently asked what it's like to be transgender. It must be really difficult for someone who isn't to comprehend what it's like to be. A close friend once told me (before I transitioned) that, while she can intellectually sympathize with me, she really can't comprehend what it feels like to be so at odds with your body because she's never felt that way. That made me think, and I told her that I had no idea what it feels like to NOT be at odds with my body, since I was never able to feel that way (this was at the beginning of my transition). Things are different now, of course, but it still seems to be a struggle for any trans person to describe what it's like to be so fundamentally different from your body.
As a single mom who tends to think about children's stories a lot, I have found a comparison in a classic children's tale that seems to be helpful in understanding—The Frog Prince:
So here you are—a fully realized human being with all your current awareness and intellect. But by some twist of nature (or evil spell), you were made to look like a little frog. When you try to speak, all you do is croak. You can sit on a lily pad in a pond and watch people go by: talking about life, having fun together, falling in love, finding friendship and family. Maybe you want to just scream out to them that you're a person too, and want to have friends, family, and love—but people just look at you and say Eww! put that frog back in the pond; or Aww what a cute little frog, but don't touch it, it's all slimy! You can laugh and say ok, for an hour or a day that might actually be fun. But what if you had to live that for days, weeks, months, and years. Every hour of every day always knowing exactly who you are, but no one else knowing or accepting that. They would only look at you and say "You're not a person, you're a frog. Go back to your pond and catch flies with your tongue." Or the mean ones would kick you and say "Get out of here you slimy creature!". How long could you endure that way? How badly would you want someone to come along and kiss you and break the spell—so that you can simply be the human being you know you are, and find happiness and love the way you need to have it?